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Diana Joy

Hello Dear Reader. Well, bad news and good news on the rejection trail. Total number of rejections since I started reporting this to you is a rather dismal 14. That is 14 rejections out of 17 submissions. Two are still in progress and one was actually a prize winner! See my "Works" page for that one. So, yes, bad news on the numbers but good news on the percentages. If I can just multiply the numbers then I've got a good thing going here. That's the whole idea in the first place. So, the really good news is that I have finally found a process that actually works for me. I tried pigeon holing myself into working a certain number of hours on certain days and discovered that I am simply not a pigeon. I tried looking for deadlines that would fall in line with when I thought I had something that was submittable. By the way, if you don't have a Submittable account you probably should try it. I got discouraged at my own sorry inability to maintain motivation. Then I went and volunteered at the Vancouver Writer's Festival. Bam! Renewed focus and love of my craft. Riding the tide of this invigoration I have found a process that clicks with my dithering ways. I simply set every Wednesday to be submission day. How I arrive at having that submission ready is unstructured. It is really working for me. I have created new works. I am excited every week. I feel like I have rejoined my own organic flow with the universe. So, keep trying. You will find your own way. I know you can do it.

Peace, love, and joy.

Diana Joy

Do you think this pretty creature doubts herself? Of course not. She is a deer. All she has to do is be a deer. She knows what deer do, and she does it. I am a writer. I know what writers do. Sometimes I just can't do it. Why? Because I am the worst writer in the world. Every word I put to page is garbage and I am a completely unworthy human being. Do you feel this way sometimes too? For the past few days I have been trying to shake a negativity that came upon me from I don't know where. I just know that it is hindering my ability to function in all areas of my life; sucking the joy out of me. This morning I forced myself to my desk and miserably made myself start the work of dealing with writerly business; email, neglected industry reading, research. Next thing I knew I was writing haiku and slowly starting to feel better. In conversation with my kind, smart, loving, man, earlier this week I realized that writing is not my passion, it is part of my life process. If I don't do it, I am not me. So even if every word I put to page is garbage, I still need to do it. To let it out to have its own life so I can live mine.

Diana Joy

Here in the pine forest the outdoor activity is transitioning from shoveling snow to raking pine needles. The interlude between these activities involves a lot of melt and mud. And so I greet the Vernal Equinox with huge enthusiasm, a light heart, rising energy in my body, and a mop. It may not be the same for you. The equinox might be taking you from Summer to Fall instead of Winter to Spring. You might live somewhere where the seasons are barely discernible. This is my first Spring here in the pine forest just outside of Princeton, BC, Canada. It is a much larger seasonal transition than in my previous location on the coast, where the crocus, daffodils and tulips are already in bloom. There is much change afoot, but one thing remains the same--the need to write. Work, work, work. You have a story, so tell it.

Peace, love, and joy,


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