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Diana Joy

Thank you for allowing us to spend time with your poems, which were among ~700 other poems we received and read for the spring 2017 issue. Your poems received four readings—one by each of the issue’s editors—but have not been selected. Since we’re writers ourselves, we know from experience that it’s not pleasant hearing that your poems weren’t chosen for publication. We wish you the best of luck in placing your work elsewhere. P.S. We regret we do not currently have the resources to offer editorial feedback on individual submissions.

Dear readers and writers, please note the P.S. Many literary publications run on volunteer engagement often with little or no paid editorial staff. So, please be considerate when submitting your work. Follow all the guidelines and do your research to try to match the piece(s) you are submitting to the themes or needs of the publication. And always accept your rejections with good grace. People have given their time to your work, and that is deserving of your gratitude.

Diana Joy

Yes! Another one! It came with a lovely and kind email about how the rejection does not reflect on the quality of the work. In support of those kind words, please read this.

Keep writing! Submit! And please, use the comments box to let me know how you are doing. We can count our rejections together. Or, talk about why you are not getting any. Or...wildly celebrate acceptance!

Peace, love, and joy,


Diana Joy

Yes! Success! Rejection letter #1 received on January 29th. I was so excited when it came, because it meant that I had been working. I had been productive. I had crafted a piece of writing to the point that I felt it was worthy of making public and I had put it out there. And it had been recognized. Not published, but looked at, read, considered, and rejected. There are many reasons why submissions are rejected. Sometimes it is because the writing is crappy. But sometimes it is just not the right fit or the right time for the particular publication. Sometimes the publication has received a plethora of worthy work and simply doesn't have room for all the good stuff. Personally, I'm going with that one right now.

So, writers - get to work. Write, write, write. Draft and craft and submit and do it again and again. Your number might not be 100. I don't actually think that mine is. I think I'm really aiming for about 30. You know how life gets. It makes demands on your time and your brain and your hands and your heart. The point is, I am aiming. The goal is inspiring me to make time in my life to do what I love to do. What I need to do. And you need to too.

Peace, love, and joy,


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