Are you ready to sit down and write in 2017? How did you spend New Year's Eve? I spent mine in a cold, dirty, garage with a couple of 60 year old guys who have survived cancer and open heart surgery and are just really glad to be alive. One my lover, one our friend. Can't say I've ever appreciated New Years Eve more. It snowed all day. The walk home, for me and my lover, was magnificent. All thick and white and quiet and sparkling with the possibilities of a new year. Possibilities. Rejection. I read this a few months ago, and became greatly inspired. When you aim for rejection you cannot be disappointed. The point is, work. Just sit down and work. If you are a writer and you have someone in your life who recognizes what you do as work - all the staring out the window, all the daydreaming, all the weird obsession with grammar, and word play (yes, poets, I'm talking to you), then run with it! And if you are a writer who doesn't have that fuel in your life, then go out and fucking find it. It might be a person, place, or thing. Just embrace what makes you alive. I'm on the rejection train this year. Too hung over today, but gearing up for a rejection program live on this website for 2017. Let's do it together. After all, we are writers, and just a little bit weird for the general population (Poets?). Happy New Year!
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Diana Joy
Diana Joy
Sep 19, 20161 min read
The autumnal equinox arrives on Thursday, September 22nd. I can feel the changes in the temperatures, see the changes in the light, smell the changes in the air, hear the wind and rain against the window, and taste the harvest. This is my favourite time of year.
Tomorrow is the five year anniversary of the death of my husband. He died around 4:30 on a quiet, bright, sunny, warm, Tuesday afternoon.
Peace, love, and joy,
Diana Joy
Sep 12, 20161 min read
Oceans (A Sunshine Coast Kind of Love)
Oceans of love, of longing
of saline in my veins.
Kingfishers and Jellies.
Cries of gulls and laughter of ducks.
Source of life and watery grave,
breathing in and out with the moon.
Rock breaks sun glittered surface of shallows.
Light inhaled, down, down, down.
Beauties that bend the mind and the heart,
are part of your imagined romance.
Lead my bow,
I'll follow you anywhere.
Sea stars and sea urchins.
A sea of - see the stars!
I fall over your horizon,
into life, deep as love.
Another kind of love.
All the kinds of love.
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