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Diana Joy

Hello Reader. I seldom ask why. Personally, I find it to be not really helpful. Knowing why something happened or didn't, or is or isn't, generally does not change the life situation. I suppose I would make a terrible scientist. But think of toddlers - Why Mommy why? But Daddy why why why? It's funny, that this is usually their first question. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that I don't need to know what that reason is. "A time to every purpose under heaven" (The Byrds). I am not a religious person. Spiritual, yes. Religious, no. I find myself in a life situation now that is causing me great distress. I chose to be here. I volunteered for this role and I thought I had a fair idea of how hard it was going to be when I took it on. There was a time when I thought that living in the palliative care ward for two months, sleeping on a little fold out chair and watching my husband die, was the hardest thing I could ever do. It turns out that being caregiver to both of my parents in their declining time is weightier than I could have imagined. I had an amazing conversation yesterday with an eighty-one year old European woman, a neighbour, who shares my feelings on reasons. And we talked about the "why" of where I find myself now. I think perhaps I still have more to learn about being truly kind. Just guessing, but I think probably we all need to learn more about that.

Peace, love, and joy,


Diana Joy

Burns Bog is burning. It's terrible and tragic, yes, but it's not the first time and likely won't be the last. What is remarkable about this time is how I heard about it. I was driving from my some-time Port Coquitlam home to my most-time Surrey home. Coming up 72nd Avenue I saw the smoke. Not building burning smoke, all black and acrid. It was that orange on gray glow, like a forest fire, and it looked to be quite near. I came in the house, greeted my parents, unpacked my stuff, and went to the back garden with my cat. That is where this remarkable thing happened. I learned what was burning by a conversation with the neighbours over the back yard fence. We all stood watching the smoke shift and the water bombers fly over, and discussing how terrible this was and what sort of complications it would cause for commuters on their way home. Once that fire gets into the peat it can burn and burn and burn. How well do you know your neighbours? Do you know their names? Their pets? Their stories? Maybe you don't have to know all their stories. But in a catastrophic situation, these are the people you are going to survive with. WITH. Neighbours. If they break the Strata rules by having blue curtains instead of white, ask yourself, what does it really matter? If they will save your ass in a fire, flood, what have you, who the hell cares what colour their curtains are? Say hello, how are you, would you like to come for coffee or a cocktail? This is community. It takes a village...

Peace, love, and joy,


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