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Diana Joy

Hello Reader. I realize I am all off schedule here. It seems I am riding in the back seat of my own life at this time. Ironically, the person driving is a small woman who has not actually driven a car in many years. She is, in fact, a vociferous back seat driver. The problem is, she is old, and in poor health, and I owe her my life. You see, she gave my life to me. She is my mother. The fact that I love her does not make the situation easier. Indeed, quite the opposite. In order to keep her safe and un-miserable (I will talk more about that at another time), and guard the welfare of the rest of the family, difficult decisions must be made and hard actions taken. I know there are a lot of us in this situation, with the population aging and seniors being medicated into living beyond the actual natural capabilities of their own bodies. I have a real problem with "Big Pharma" and the dollar centric, ego driven, administration of our current medical system. This is not health care. I don't in any way, shape, or form, claim to have answers to the situation. Right now, I barely have the energy to ask the questions. One day the Youniverse is going to open the door for that old woman to get out and I will slide back into the driver's seat of my own life, and then maybe I can follow the road less traveled to something smarter and more caring and more human.

Peace, love, and, joy,


Diana Joy

Oh, hello there, dear reader. I have found you again. I think I may have found me too. I had a fairly serious meltdown this past Friday. You see, the things we love the most put the most pressure on us. Things like our work. I mean our true life's work, not necessarily what we do for a job, because they can be two very different things. Things like family and loved ones. We can get lost in the care of others and forget to care for ourselves, then we lose it. Right? You've been there, haven't you? I know you have. When you breathe too shallow and occasionally feel like you are going to pass out. When you are not eating right, not sleeping, your body aches and your attention span and functional short term memory are shot. I'm lucky. Really, really lucky. Blessed with the crazy, gentle, generous, love of a very special man, who has the wisdom to let me lose it, because sometimes we just need to go there. Sometimes the bottom is bouncy. Sometimes you land in a poem, and it gives you a little kiss and sends you back up again.

Peace, love, and, joy,


Diana Joy

When I was a child in elementary school I used to play this game called "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" I can't exactly remember how it worked, but it had something to do with asking the"it" person, Mr. Wolf, what time it was, and then advancing forward according to the answer. For me, here, now, it is 6:32 p.m. on Monday evening. For you, dear reader, it may be something entirely different. This website is viewed in Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom, China, France, Russia, Sweden, Italy, Japan, and other places. So, your day and time, and your reality, may be quite different from mine. The reason I write poetry, my purpose, is to explore and express the common ground of our realities so that we may share and feel connected in our human state. Our loves and passions, hopes and dreams, sorrows and griefs, and occasionally our disappointments and angers. Not hate, jealousy, envy, resentment. Those are certainly real and valid human states. But they are for someone else to write about, not me. I choose to always look on the brighter side of life. It can be found, even in sickness and death. So, happy Monday my friends!

Peace, love, and joy,


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